Monday, March 23, 2009

Many Dissections

It took 11 modules to get here, but we finally dissected some animals.  We actually put some of those surgical skills to work cutting open some critters.  First up we attacked an earthworm, and it didn't take long to completely destroy it.  Oh well, at least we had four.  When we cut it open, I was immediately amazed at the complexity of such a "simple" organism.  For a creature that doesn't have a brain it certainly is well-equipped for survival.  It had a very large intestinethat when we accidentally cut open, out spilled it's "food", commonly known as dirt.  When I look at the way everything inside that worm is designed I cannot believe that most people believe it all came about by chance.  It is too complex and simply amazing to have been created by anything less than God.  And all that from a worm!

Next week we mutilated some crayfish, I hope none of us have dreams of being a surgeon.  The gross factor was actually somewhat higher for me this time.  The crayfish is much larger than a worm and has many organs that the worm does not, such as eyes, a brain and reproductive organs.  It amazed me when We found out that some of our crayfish were male and some were female.  One of them had just mated and was filled with eggs ready to lay them!  The crayfish is also much closer to human anatomy than the earthworm so it was very interesting and much was learned.

Overall it was a very interesting two weeks with two dissections.  Next week we get to cut open a perch, how bad could it be?  

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